User's manual for the avi program --------------------------------- avi is an editor for *.avi files (Ascii VIdeo). Start it as avi filename.avi. If filename.avi doesn't exist, empty avi is created on the startup. If exists, the avi is loaded. avi starts in command mode. press enter to switch between command and drawing mode. Drawing mode ------------ Pressing keys `1234567890-=\qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^ &*()_+|QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>? and space draws appropriate character under the cursor. Pressing arrows moves the cursor around. Pressing enter switches into command mode. F1 toggles help window. Command mode ------------ Enter switches into drawing mode. 0123456789abcdef changes the colour under the cursor. Colour 0 means transparency. Changing colour to 0 and then to a different colour preserver the char under the cursor. F1 or h toggles help window [ and ] copies the previous (next) position into the actual + and - increases / decreases actual position , and . shifts the content of the actual position left (right). q ends the editor and saves the avi into the file specified on the command line. 'g' starts animation according to 's' field in the avi and the animation must be stopped by pressing 'h' prior to further editation. The editation continues at that position at which the animation has been stopped. Arrows move the cursor around. Hold key -------- The key toggles hold mode. In hold mode you can draw/set attribute while moving. While you move around with the arrow keys you automatically draw (set attribute) the last drawn character (last color). When is pressed, hold mode is turned off.