* Fix bugs: capturing en passant allowed whenever the victim is two ranks ahead of its start position; it should only be allowed on the move after a single two-space move. Piece counts in muster window are sometimes updated the move after they should be. * Replace the conditionals in piece.c which allow/disallow moves on empty boards with table look ups. This would require a table for every piece; each table would be 3x3x3. Queen and King would be all 1, Bishop would be Bottom Middle Top 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 etc... I'm using this "plan" as an excuse not to document those conditionals. * Make the resign button bring up a bigger dialog, incl. network and autoplay options. The button should read "start" before the first move. * Play more interesting sounds than "beep", and allow them to be varied. * Improve the move-generation routine. * Animation!! (This one's a long way off..) * Alternative interfaces - X11 is all very well, but MS-Windows, VT100, Mac, .... * Network undo: not only is it not yet working properly, I'm not even sure that it should be allowed; at the very least, opponents should have veto over it.