
Figurine 1.0 Manual


Often, you will want to connect objects in your document together, for example, an arrow pointing at a box. Using attachment, you can ensure that these objects stay connected, even if the objects move. The procedure to attach is :

  • First start to draw the object you want to attach. Attachment can be done with polyline, spline, irregular polygon, and arc objects.
  • When you are drawing the point you want to attach, hold down <Shift> in the vicinity of the point in the target object that you want to attach to. The mouse cursor will jump to this nearest available point.
  • To confirm the attachment, still holding down <Shift>, release the mouse button or click. The point will be attached.

The objects will stay attached even if either is moved. Scaling or rotation of either object cancels the attachment. To cancel the attachment, use point editing in the Edit tool to move the attached point away (you can also make new attachments in this mode).
NOTE: if you edit a saved fig file with xfig or another tool, the attachment information will be lost from the file.
