
Figurine 1.0 Manual

View icons

Some of these icons are only visible when in the correct drawing mode, or selecting a suitable object.
Here's a hint: learn the keyboard shortcuts for icons that open an icon menu. Then, when you select an object with the edit tool, the icon menu will appear directly under the cursor; this way you can change these parameters quickly. The view icons that open an icon menu are line style, pen colour, fill style, fill colour, join style, end style, arc settings, and text justification.

Snap to grid [i]
Toggle snap-to-grid on and off. Set the grid size with View->View Settings (^B).

Display grid [d]
Toggle display of the grid on and off.

Zoom in [+]
Zoom in one zoom level.

Zoom out [-]
Zoom out one zoom level.

Line Style [y]
Open the linestyle menu.

Pen colour [p]
Open the pen colour menu.

Fill style [z]
Open the fillstyle menu.

Fill colour [q]
Open the fill colour menu.

Line width [w]
Open the line width dialog. Enter the width in 1/80ths of an inch.

Join style [j]
Open the joinstyle menu. Join styles are sharp, bevelled or curved.

End style [x]
Open the end style menu. End styles are round, projecting and "butt".

Arrow settings [m]
Open the arrow dialog. Open the arrow dialog. Here you can set parameters for the start and end arrow of objects, like the type, whether it is filled or filled with white, the dimensions etc. Note that the arrows may appear incorrect in xfig, but the output is correct when finally exported using fig2dev.

Arc settings [o]
Open the open/closed arc menu. Set whether a simple arc section or a pie-chart-like filled segment should be drawn.

Polygon settings [h]
Open the regular polygon dialog. Set the number of sides for regular polygons. Deselect regular to draw irregular polygons.

Roundbox settings [v]
Open the rounded rectangle dialog. Set whether a rectangle has rounded corners, and the radius of these corners in 1/80ths of an inch.

Spline settings [o]
Open the spline dialog. Specify the default shape factor and whether the spline is closed. See spline tool.

Text font settings [u]
Open the font dialog. Choose the typeface and font size for the next text to be entered.

Text justification [k]
Open the text justification menu. Choose between a line that is left-, centre-, or right-justified with respect to the text object.
