Yes, we are looking for developpers. If you have some programming skills, you are welcome to help the development of mldonkey. There are different ways to help us. You can see a bug, or a missing feature, and fix it, and then send us a patch. If you want to spend more time, you can fix a lot of bugs, or add more features, and we will grant you access to the CVS in the future. You can also provide mldonkey with support for another p2p network. If you don't want how to start, you must first understand the code (see the informations below), and then, you can call "mldonkey -check_impl" to see which methods have not been implemented yet. You can also test different operations and see what is not working good. Another option is to test other p2p applications and try to import some interesting features in mldonkey... Peer-to-peer systems that could be interested to implement: SoulSeek (see pyslsk, a python clone) Hotline (see fidelio, an open-source clone) Mediaseek (audio galaxy clone) File Utopia Imesh FastTrack The last ones use cryptography to protect the protocol. Maybe some of them use the SSL library, and could be cracked this way ? Maybe you need now some help to understand the code ? 1) Learn Objective-Caml (you won't be disappointed): -------------------------------------------------- 2) mldonkey directory tree: -------------------------- Special directories: config/ contains the autoconf script and other files distrib/ files distributed with binaries in a release patches/ patches to external programs (e.g. ocaml) scripts/ nothing interesting here ... tools/ useful tools to compile mldonkey (e.g. pa_zog.cma) Useful general libraries: cdk/ these two directories contain general modules and lib/ data structures. diff is from history net/ socket manipulation library around a select call (mldonkey is fortunately not multi-threaded, that's why it works) chat/ part of the mlchat program inside mldonkey: mp3tagui/ mp3 manipulation library Program header: common/ basic types and data structures common to all p2p systems. Peer-to-peer modules (not necessary): audio_galaxy/ Audio-Galaxy (not useful anymore) direct_connect/ Direct-Connect (must work on that) limewire/ LimeWire (Gnutella client) opennap/ Open-Napster secret/ you should not have that :) the protocol must remain hidden (too many discussions about that) donkey/ the client part of donkey server/ the server part of donkey Program end (main): driver/ communication with interfaces and main loop Graphical interface: configwin/ configuration windows for lablgtk gpattern/ tables and columns manipulation in lablgtk okey/ key manipulation in lablgtk gui/ the GTK interface icons/ some icons 3) General architecture: ----------------------- The main loop of mldonkey is located in the net/ library, which is responsible for managing the connections and the timers around a select system call (there are no threads in mldonkey). mldonkey executes its modules in the following way: 1) The common/ part is executed: data structures are defined for all the types that are common to all networks. For each type, an _ops type defines operations that can be executed on this type. Each network will have to fill such a structure to define its specific behaviors for these types (well, it looks like object-oriented programming, but we don't define classes). basic simple types (it also contains the network type def) the protocol used to communicate with the GUI Types and operations on these types that have to be defined by each network. chat rooms : client (either friend or source for a downloaded file) : downloaded file : network : result of a search : server : shared file : user (either server user or source for a result) Main options: : basic options complex options (downloaded files, servers, friends, etc) Different useful functions: 2) All network modules are executed. The network modules have to register a network structure (it is often done in the ...Types module). All modules often use the same naming scheme: : types specific to a network. operations structures are also often defined there. : basic values (hash tables) and functions to store and manipulate these types. : basic options for this network : complex options for this network. often defines how files, servers, etc should be stored in the common option files : encoding and decoding of messages for that network. : communication between mldonkey and another client. : communication between mldonkey and a server. : most functions that are called from the interfaces on the network objects. : the functions to start and stop a network. the start function creates sockets to connect to mldonkey, and timers that are executed from time to time. 3) The final driver/ modules are executed. The last one ( call the net/ loop.