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TerminateScript - cleanly terminate a run script


TerminateScript status

Optional arguments:

-report report_text


Cleanly terminate a run script whether the job has succeeded (status=1) or failed (status=0). If a program fails within an Execute command, TerminateScript will be called automatically with a fail status. When the run script is created, a call to TerminateScript with success status is written to the end of the script. You will only need to call this command explicitly if the run script fails in some way external to the Execute command.

If there is an argument -report then put the text report_text on the end of the log file. Note that a report of more than one line should be done using the WriteToLog procedure.

By default, the job status reported in the job list window will be FINISHED for status="1" or FAIILED for status=0.