source-highlight -- History of visible changes. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Lorenzo Bettini See the end for copying conditions. Please send source-highlight bug reports to Version 1.5 * xhtml output format is now handled (thanks to Christian W. Zuckschwerdt and Josh Ghiloni ) * assert is now recognized as a Java keyword (thanks to Fabio Calefato ) * a scanner for Python has been written by Martin Gebert . * when in Php3 strings can span more than one lines and line numbers are correctly formatted. Version 1.4 * fixed compilation error with some compilers due to headers istream.h and ostream.h (thanks to Dan barthel ) * a scanner for Php3 has been written by Alain Barbet * reading from stdin does not kill line numbers (notified by Keith Robertson ) * line number count is correctly reset when handling multiple files (bug fixed) * for Java sources, if, while, and other keywords that use '(' ')' are now correctly highlighted as keywords instead of as functions (reported by Manuel Kauers and Fabio Calefato ) * tabs are correctly handled for Prolog and Perl sources (reported by Martin Gebert ) Version 1.3 * now there is only one program, namely source-highlight, that accepts a command line option, --src-lang or -s, specifying the source language (for the moment java, cpp and prolog). Previous programs, java2html and cpp2html are provided as shell scripts, just for compatibility, but their use is not advised. * --out-format, -f, command line option added for specifying the output format (for the moment only html is accepted). Though only html is handled, this option is required. * a scanner for Prolog has been written by Martin Gebert . This scanner is still to be considered beta, and actually it was written for Visual Prolog, so it should be tested against other Prolog dialects. * a scanner for Perl has been written by Alain Barbet * Correctly check whether it is possible to write to a file (notified by Martin) * --tab option is correctly handled even for C/C++ files (bug fixed, notified by Martin) * Added option --line-number (-n) in order to print line numbers (as suggested by Ed Scott and Andre Charbonneau). * Man page added. Version 1.2.1 * Fixed a problem of compilation for gcc 3.0 (thanks to Alexios Zavras and Bruno Schweizer ) * much more recent versions of getopt.h, getopt.c, getopt1.c are provided (the previous ones were very very old!), that do not rely on alloca anymore. Version 1.2 * Added normal text decoration (specify "normal" in tags.j2h) (suggested by Bernie Boudet ). * fixed a bug for multiple input files (notified by Christian Paulsen ) Version 1.1 * Included some standard headers; otherwise gcc 2.96 didn't compile (thanks to Arto Viitanen ). * fixed bug (seg.fault) with foreign character, such as ü (thanks to Martin Gebert ). * --output-dir added to specify the output directory. * --enable-input-chroot configure option to hardcode the path to prepend for input files (useful when the programs are built for CGI, as suggested by Robert Wetzel ). Version 1.0 * This is the first release of source-highlight, but it includes already existing programs (cpp2html and java2html), so the changes are related to these programs. * CGI support enabled (thanks to Robert Wetzel ); I haven't tested it personally yet, so you may ask him directly. * newline handled correctly according to HTML specifications (again thanks to Robert Wetzel). * Added preprocessor highlighting [preproc], symbol (+,-,^, etc.) highlighting [symbol], curly bracket highlighting [cbracket], function highlighting [function] (thanks to Geurt Vos ). * for tags.j2h, added support to enter direct RGB color values (#rrggbb) and colors teal, gray, and darkblue added (thanks to Geurt Vos ). * green, darkgreen and brightgreen handled correctly (thanks to Martin Gebert ). ------------------------------------------------------- Copying information: Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Lorenzo Bettini Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.