#!/igs/local/bin/perl #Perl Wrapper for the html version of T-Coffee #Environement variables $USER_BIN="$HOME/bin/"; #MAIN VARIABLES: use Env qw(HOME); if ( $HOME eq ""){$HOME=`pwd`;chop ($HOME);$HOME=~s/public_html.*//;} $USER_BIN="$HOME/bin/"; $WWW_HOME="http://igs-server.cnrs-mrs.fr/~cnotred/"; $WWW_FILE_HOME="$HOME/public_html/"; $USER_BIN="$HOME/bin/"; $html_page="/t_coffee.html"; $programme="t_coffee"; $SCRATCH_AREA="$WWW_FILE_HOME/tmp/"; $CALLING_PAGE ="$WWW_HOME/$html_page"; #Set the programme so that it uses the right bin #[CUSTOMIZE HERE FOR YOUR ARCHITECTURE] $machine=`/bin/uname -s`; chop ($machine); $ENV{MAC}=$machine; use Env qw(MAC); if ($MAC eq "IRIX64" || $MAC eq "SGI64" || $MAC eq "SGI" || $MAC eq "IRIX") {$ENV{OS}="Irix";} elsif ($MAC eq "SunOS" || $MAC eq "SUN") {$ENV{OS}="Sun";} elsif ($MAC eq "Linux") {$ENV{OS}="Linux";} else { &output_error_page ( "The machine $MAC on which this program should run is unknown[FATAL]\n"); } use Env qw(OS); #Define the Programs and various addresses [CUSTOMIZE HERE] #Your binaries $ENV{USER_BIN}="$HOME/bin/$OS/";#Your binaries $ENV{ALN_TAB}="$USER_BIN"; use Env qw(USER_BIN); use Env qw(PATH); $ENV{PATH}=".:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:$USER_BIN"; #The Binary Paths $programme="$programme"; #check the required programs are installed $t_coffee_exec=`which t_coffee`; chop($t_coffee_exec); if ( !(-e $t_coffee_exec)) { &output_error_page ( "$programme is not Installed home=[$HOME] [$t_coffee_exec] Path=[$PATH][FATAL]\n", $CALLING_PAGE); die; } if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { $request=$ENV {'QUERRY_STRING'}; @parameter_list=split(/&/,$request); foreach (@parameter_list) { ($name, $value)=split (/=/); if (!$arg{$name}{number}) {$arg{$name}{number}=0;} $arg{$name}{$arg{$name}{number}}=$value; $arg{$name}{number}++; } $request=$ENV{'QUERRY_STRING'}; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN, $request, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) || output_error_page( "Could not read querry\n", $CALLING_PAGE); @parameter_list=split (/-{2,}\d+.*\n/, $request); foreach $val (@parameter_list) { $val=~s/(Content.*)\n.*\n//g; $param_line=$1; if ($param_line=~/filename/) { $param_line=~/.*name="(.*)"; filename="(.*)".*/; $param_name="$1"; if ($2 ne "" && $2 ne "no_value") { if (($file=&make_random_file($val)) ne "no_file") { $arg{$param_name}{$arg{$param_name}{number}++}=$file; if ( $param_name eq "-in"){$sequence_in=1;} } } } else { $param_line=~/.*name="(.*)".*/; $param_name="$1"; if ($param_name eq "data") { if (($file=&make_random_file($val)) ne "no_file") { $arg{"-in"}{$arg{"-in"}{number}++}=$file; $sequence_in=1; } } elsif ($param_name=~/\B-[^-]*/) { $val=~s/\s//g; if ( !$arg{flag}{$param_name}){$arg{flag}{$param_name}=1;$flag_list[$nflags++]=$param_name;} if ( $val ne "" && $val ne "no_value") { $arg{$param_name}{$arg{$param_name}{number}++}=$val; } } else { $val=~s/\s//g; $arg{$param_name}{0}=$val; } } } } #1 CHECK FOR COMPULSORY PARAMETERS if ( $sequence_in!=1) { &output_error_page ( "You did not provide any Data", $CALLING_PAGE); die; } if ( !$arg{'e-mail'}{0}) { &output_error_page ( "You did not provide your Email", $CALLING_PAGE); die; } #2 Set The Run Name $flag_list[$nflags++]="-run_name"; $arg{-run_name}{number}=1; $arg{-run_name}{0}=&make_random_file_name; $run_name=$arg{-run_name}{0}; #2 PROCESS THE PARAMETER LIST $command="#!\/bin\/sh\/n"; $command=$command."source $HOME/.cshrc\n"; $command=$command.$programme; foreach $flag (@flag_list) { $command="$command $flag="; for ( $a=0; $a<$arg{$flag}{number};$a++) {$command="$command $arg{$flag}{$a}";} } #3 list of the output files $output_file{++$n_output_file}{name}="$run_name"."_result.html"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{description}="Results"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{format}="html"; $output_file{++$n_output_file}{name}="$run_name.tc_log"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{description}="log of t_coffee"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{format}="ascii"; for ( $a=0; $a< $arg{'-output'}{number}; $a++) { if ($arg{'-output'}{$a} eq "clustalw"){$extention="aln";} else {$extention=$arg{'-output'}{$a}}; $output_file{++$n_output_file}{name}="$run_name.$extention"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{description}="Multiple Alignment"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{format}="$extention"; } $output_file{++$n_output_file}{name}="$run_name.dnd"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{description}="Dendrogram used for Progressive Alignment"; $output_file{ $n_output_file}{format}="Phyllip"; $output_file{n_output_file}=$n_output_file; $output_file{command}=$command; &submit ("$command -out_lib=no -quiet stderr >$run_name.tc_log 2>$run_name.tc_log" ); %output_file=&make_output (%output_file); #Make the Output print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print ""; print "

The computation is now finished. Click [HERE]to see the results<\/h4><\/td><\/tr><\/table><\/body><\/html>"; #Clean for ( $a=0; $a<$n_tmp_files; $a++ ) { unlink ($tmp_files[$a]); } sub submit { my $command=@_[0]; system $command; } sub make_random_file { my $content=@_[0]; my $name; my $cnt; if (($content=~/\S/g)==0) { return "no_file"; } $rand_number=int(rand 100000)+1 ; $name= &make_random_file_name(); $name="$name.tcoffee_file"; $tmp_files[$n_tmp_files++]=$name; open NEW_FILE,">$name"; print NEW_FILE "$content"; close (NEW_FILE); $cnt=chmod 0777, $name; return $name; } sub make_random_file_name { my $name; my $rand_number; $rand_number=int(rand 100000)+1 ; $name="$SCRATCH_AREA/$rand_number"."$$"; return $name; } sub output_error_page { my $myerror=@_[0]; my $back=@_[1]; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "


\n"; print "


\n"; print "BACK\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; exit; } sub make_output { my %loc_output=@_; my $n; $n=$loc_output{'n_output_file'}; for ($a=0; $a<=$n; $a++) { if ($loc_output{$a}{name}=~/score_html/) { $new_name=$loc_output{$a}{name}; $new_name=~s/score_html/html/; open (IN, $loc_output{$a}{name}); open (OUT, ">$new_name"); while(){print OUT "$_";} close (IN); close (OUT); unlink ( $loc_output{$a}{name}); $loc_output{$a}{name}=$new_name; } chmod 0777, $loc_output{$a}{name}; $loc_output{$a}{url}=$loc_output{$a}{name}; $loc_output{$a}{url}=~s/$WWW_FILE_HOME/$WWW_HOME/; } open (RESULT, ">$loc_output{1}{name}"); print RESULT ""; print RESULT "

Ouput of T-Coffee<\/td><\/tr><\/table>"; print RESULT "

Your data will remain available on this server over the next 3 days. It will then be deleted. Do not forget to bookmark this URL($loc_output{1}{url}) or save it for further reference

"; print RESULT ""; print RESULT "



Status<\/h1><\/td><\/tr>"; for ($a=0; $a<=$n; $a++) { if ( -e $loc_output{$a}{name}) {print RESULT "


$loc_output{$a}{format}<\/td> PRODUCED<\/tr>";} elsif ($loc_output{$a}{name}) {print RESULT "


$loc_output{$a}{format}<\/td>NOT PRODUCED<\/tr>";} } print RESULT "
"; print RESULT "

BACK<\/a><\/H1>"; print RESULT ""; print RESULT ""; close RESULT; chmod 0777, $loc_output{1}{name}; return %loc_output; } sub output_file { my $file_type =@_[0]; my $file_www_ref =@_[1]; my $file_format =@_[2]; print "

sub html_output 
	if (!$header) 
	    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n\n


"; $header=1; } print "@_[0]\n"; }