Appendix B. Signals

Table of Contents

Connecting signal handlers
Writing signal handlers
Disconnecting signal handlers
Overriding default signal handlers
Binding extra arguments
X Event signals

Connecting signal handlers


gtkmm widget classes have signal accessor methods, such as Gtk::Button::signal_clicked, which allow you to connect your signal handler. Thanks to the flexibility of libsigc++, the callback library used by gtkmm, the signal handler can be almost any kind of function, but you will probably want to use a class method. Among GTK+ C coders, these signal handlers are often named callbacks.

Here's an example of a signal handler being connected to a signal:

#include <gtkmm/button.h>

void on_button_clicked()
    std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;

    Gtk::Button button("Hello World");

There's rather a lot to think about in this (non-functional) code. First let's identify the parties involved:

  • The signal handler is on_button_clicked().

  • We're hooking it up to the Gtk::Button object called button.

  • When the Button emits its clicked signal, on_button_clicked() will be called.

Now let's look at the connection again::


Note that we don't pass a pointer to on_button_clicked() directly to the signal's connect() method. Instead, we call SigC::slot(), and pass the result to connect(). What's that SigC::slot() function for?

SigC::slot() is a factory function which generates, unsurprisingly, SigC::Slots. A Slot is an object which looks and feels like a function, but is actually an object. These are also known as function objects, or functors.

Here's a slightly larger example of slots in action:

void on_button_clicked();

class some_class
    void on_button_clicked();

some_class some_object;

    Gtk::Button button;
    button.signal_clicked().connect( SigC::slot(&on_button_clicked) );
    button.signal_clicked().connect( SigC::slot(some_object, &some_class::on_button_clicked) );

The first call to connect() is just like the one we saw last time; nothing new here. The next is more interesting. slot() is now called with two arguments (it's overloaded). The first argument is "some_object", which is the object that our new slot will be pointing at; the second argument is a pointer to one of its methods. This particular version of slot() creates a slot which will, when "called", call the pointed-to method of the specified object, in this case some_object.on_button_clicked().

Another thing to note about this example is that we placed the call to connect() twice for the same signal object. This is perfectly fine - when the button is clicked, both signal handlers will be called.

We just told you that the button's clicked signal is expecting to call a method with no arguments. All signals have requirements like this; you can't hook a function with two arguments to a signal expecting none (unless you use an adapter, such as SigC::bind, of course). Therefore, it's important to know what type of signal handler you'll be expected to connect to a given signal.