
class SG_EXPORT osg::ConvexPlanarPolygon

A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up.

Public Methods

[more] ConvexPlanarPolygon()
[more]void add(const Vec3& v)
[more]VertexList& getVertexList()
[more]const VertexList& getVertexList() const

Public Members

[more]typedef std::vector<osg::Vec3> VertexList

Protected Fields

[more]VertexList _vertexList


A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up. When adding planes, their normals should point inwards (into the volume)
o ConvexPlanarPolygon()

otypedef std::vector<osg::Vec3> VertexList

ovoid add(const Vec3& v)

oVertexList& getVertexList()

oconst VertexList& getVertexList() const

oVertexList _vertexList

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