
class SG_EXPORT osgUtx::Test

Test, an abstract base class, is the Composite pattern's \em component class for our graph of test cases, and defines the basic interface for all Test components.


Public Methods

[more] Test( const std::string& sName )
[more]const std::string& name() const
[more]virtual bool accept( Visitor& ) = 0

Public Members

[more]typedef TestVisitor Visitor

Protected Fields

[more]std::string _name

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~Test()

Inherited from Referenced:

Public Methods

oinline Referenced& operator = (Referenced&)
ostatic void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
ostatic DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
oinline void ref() const
oinline void unref_nodelete() const
oinline int referenceCount() const
oinline void unref() const

Protected Fields

omutable int _refCount


Test, an abstract base class, is the Composite pattern's \em component class for our graph of test cases, and defines the basic interface for all Test components. It is a referent, and may be pointed to by an osg::ref_ptr.
otypedef TestVisitor Visitor

o Test( const std::string& sName )

oconst std::string& name() const

ovirtual bool accept( Visitor& ) = 0

ovirtual ~Test()

ostd::string _name

Direct child classes:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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