
template<class T> class osg::ref_ptr

Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects

Public Methods

[more] ref_ptr()
[more] ref_ptr(T* t)
[more] ref_ptr(const ref_ptr& rp)
[more] ~ref_ptr()
[more]inline ref_ptr& operator = (const ref_ptr& rp)
[more]inline ref_ptr& operator = (T* ptr)
[more]inline bool operator == (const ref_ptr& rp) const
[more]inline bool operator == (const T* ptr) const
[more]inline bool operator != (const ref_ptr& rp) const
[more]inline bool operator != (const T* ptr) const
[more]inline bool operator < (const ref_ptr& rp) const
[more]inline bool operator > (const ref_ptr& rp) const
[more]inline bool operator > (const T* ptr) const
[more]inline T& operator*()
[more]inline const T& operator*() const
[more]inline T* operator->()
[more]inline const T* operator->() const
[more]inline bool operator!() const
[more]inline bool valid() const
[more]inline T* get()
[more]inline const T* get() const
[more]inline T* take()
take control over the object pointed to by ref_ptr, unreference but do not delete even if ref count goes to 0, return the pointer to the object.


Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects
o ref_ptr()

o ref_ptr(T* t)

o ref_ptr(const ref_ptr& rp)

o ~ref_ptr()

oinline ref_ptr& operator = (const ref_ptr& rp)

oinline ref_ptr& operator = (T* ptr)

oinline bool operator == (const ref_ptr& rp) const

oinline bool operator == (const T* ptr) const

oinline bool operator != (const ref_ptr& rp) const

oinline bool operator != (const T* ptr) const

oinline bool operator < (const ref_ptr& rp) const

oinline bool operator > (const ref_ptr& rp) const

oinline bool operator > (const T* ptr) const

oinline T& operator*()

oinline const T& operator*() const

oinline T* operator->()

oinline const T* operator->() const

oinline bool operator!() const

oinline bool valid() const

oinline T* get()

oinline const T* get() const

oinline T* take()
take control over the object pointed to by ref_ptr, unreference but do not delete even if ref count goes to 0, return the pointer to the object. Note, do not use this unless you are 100% sure your code handles the deletion of the object correctly, and only use when absolutely required.

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